Allotment 26 Elm Grove Lane 16th May 2014

Showing the allotment plot as it is today many plants to put out soon in greenhouse.
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frame near overgrown roadway  frame near overgrown roadway State of allotment roadways overgrown grass  State of allotment roadways overgrown grass long grass on roadways  long grass on roadways Plot 30 with grass seeding 700mm high  Plot 30 with grass seeding 700mm high
plot 30  plot 30 plot 26 cage near shed  plot 26 cage near shed plot 25 cage neareast shed now transferred strawberries from other cage  plot 26 (frame and shed in middle ground)  cage neareast shed now transferred strawberries from other cage centre thrid of my plot in front and below brown shed on picture  centre thrid of my plot in front and below brown shed on picture
overgrown roadway with my frame at top of pic  overgrown roadway with my frame at top of pic bags awaiting removal from site at corner of plot 26  bags awaiting removal from site at corner of plot 26 knee high grass on roadway - when is it to be cut?  knee high grass on roadway beside plot 26  - when is it to be cut? potatoes again with frame in background  potatoes again with frame in background
strawberries shed empty plot for planting soon  strawberries shed empty plot for planting soon weed inhibiting cardboard trial  weed inhibiting cardboard trial strawberries again - hardly any weed  strawberries again - hardly any weed greenhouse plants  greenhouse plants
greenhouse plants  greenhouse plants onions in greenhouse to be transferred outside  onions in greenhouse to be transferred outside overgrown state of plot 30  overgrown state of plot 30 bindweed coming my way  bindweed coming my way
young plants were seeds at time of notice  young plants were seeds at time of notice privet reared for home about to be planted in next few weeks  privet reared for home about to be planted in next few weeks various plants reared for home  various plants reared for home more paths done in march/april  more paths done in march/april
paths re constructed with bark chips  likethis at time of receipt of notice  paths re constructed with bark chips  -   like this at time of receipt of notice onions through cardboaard  onions through cardboaard roadway  roadway roadway beside my plot - when is the grass to be cut?  roadway beside my plot - when is the grass to be cut?